Wow, Lauren! This blog is amazing and so thoughtful! Thanks so much for asking me to join the party. J I’m psyched to read WILLOW. I’ve heard nothing but fabulous things about the book. Congrats and kudos to Julia!
Although, I haven’t read WILLOW yet, from reading reviews and raves, I’ve heard Julia does an amazing job of writing about death.
Death. This particular five-letter word can wreck havoc on my life, my psyche, and my soul, like nothing else. I consider myself pretty upbeat, but death cuts deep every time and although I don’t discuss it publicly, death has visited my family a little too often lately.
Another time in my life death wrecked havoc was my first brush with the dreaded subject about twenty-two years ago. My dad sat hunched on his brown Lazy boy chair after a trip to the hospital. His eyes were bloodshot and blank and he held my small hand as I sat on the armrest. Then, he broke the news that my beloved Aunt Suzanne died of a heart attack earlier that morning.
Everyone has one. A favorite relative. Whether it’s an aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, or even a distant cousin. Aunt Suzanne was mine. I absolutely and positively adored her.
At first, it didn’t register. Dead? Like my mom’s distant relative who died last month and was sick for years? But, I hung out with her two days ago and she was joking and smiling and young and laughing like always. Not sick.
Then, I stiffened when I realized I never said goodbye. The last time I saw her, I left her house like a typical Saturday, climbed into the backseat of my dad’s 1987 black Cougar while she lovingly smacked my back and I laughed, but one thing was different. I never kissed her goodbye. With this revelation, my body instantly filled with remorse, guilt, and dread. I always kissed her goodbye. And the last time, the most important time, I didn’t.
Like Amanda, death fueled my writing. A few weeks later, my mom suggested I write down every single Aunt Suzanne memory I could remember. I did. I wrote and wrote and wrote and kept writing until my hand throbbed. And I’m still writing today. In fact, I recently sent a WIP entitled PINKED to my agent. There’s a spunky, fun, joking, laughing, goofy aunt character in PINKED. Guess who? I might not be able to bring Aunt Suzanne back, but she’ll always live on in my writing.
On a brighter note, Julia emailed me recently to share her handbag obsession. As a self confessed handbagaholic, I can’t wait to check out her designs.
Happy Release Day, Julia!
Thank you so much, Keri Mikulski (Screwball)!!
Sometimes inspiration can come from the strangest--and most depressing--places. Great guest post, Keri. :)
Hey, congrats on your release day!! Can't wait to go to the book store to get it!!! :D
beautiful post Keri, and I really hope I get to read Pinked someday and this amazing character!
Congratulations Julia. I plan on picking up Willow either tonight or tomorrow. Great post Keri. Luckily I haven't had death visit my family at all but I don't think anybody is ever prepared for it. I really love how you wrote down everything about your aunt and I'm so glad you are still writing today. Hopefully I will get to read about your aunt in Pinked someday!
Beautiful post. Can't wait to read and get Willow. Congrats Julia on release.
Beautiful post, I hope to read Pinked someday.
Hi, Steph Su!! Thanks! So true. So many authors have written amazing books after some really dark times.
Hi, Robin! :)
Awe, thanks, Erika Lynn. Me too. :)
Thanks, Katie!! I hope so too. :)
Thanks, Megan!
Thanks, Nora! Me too. :)
Hey Keri, you know I love the post and I really hope to read Pinked at some point as well. Thanks again for helping out. I do appreciate it. :)
Your aunt sounds like she was a wonderful person! "Pinked" sounds like its going to be a really great book! I'm looking forward to reading it!
Absolutely! It's been a blast. Love what you guys do for authors.. Amazing. :)
Hi, Polo.Pony! Thanks so much! She was. :)
Congrats on your book release, Julia!
And thanks, Keri, for sharing this personal story with all of us. :)
That is one tough five-letter word. Thanks for sharing, Keri.
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